Butter Wouldn’t Melt in His Mouth

And he’s making sure you don’t have a choice whether it will in yours.

Trans Fat Fight Claims Butter as a Victim
MATTHEW REICH is a baker dedicated to natural ingredients. He prefers butter in the cookies and brioche he turns out at Tom Cat Bakery in Long Island City, Queens, and like many professional cooks he applauds the public health effort to get artificial trans fat out of food.
But, in a twist of science, the law and what some call trans-fat hysteria, Mr. Reich and other wholesale bakers are being forced to substitute processed fats like palm oil and margarine for good old-fashioned butter because of the small amounts of natural trans fat butter contains.

NO BUTTER FOR YOU!!” ~ Mayor Bloomberg tells the seething masses.

Buttinski billionaire Bloomberg ~ who sees butter as the enemy ~ needs to look elsewhere for votes.
I can’t stand the guy already and here’s one more log on the fire.

Pesos in the Mornin’, Pesos in the Evenin’

Pesos at suppertime!
While you’re hiding pesos,
Don’t forget that they are mine!

A Chinese-Mexican businessman charged in the largest drug-related cash seizure in history accused a top Mexican official of forcing him to stash millions in illicit campaign funds in the walls and closets of his Mexico City mansion.
In the first major accusation linking the administration of President Felipe Calderon to Mexico’s drug underworld, Zhenli Ye Gon claims Javier Lozano Alarcon, now Mexico’s labor secretary, threatened to kill him unless he stored duffel bags stuffed with at least $150 million.
In a written response Monday to The Associated Press, Lozano Alarcon denied the accusations and said he was considering a defamation lawsuit against Ye Gon.
Ye Gon is charged in Mexico with drug trafficking, money laundering and weapons possession for his alleged role in illegally importing 19 tons of a pseudoephedrine compound used to make methamphetamine, charges he denies. He is presumably in the United States; Mexico considers him a fugitive.

Another worthy illegal who could have paid the fine! DAMN talk radio!

Two Words for Dems

as they start their pained, Obama-likeThese are the politics we must change…” yowling:
Mark. Rich.
And maybe:
Yeah. Right.
UPDATE: A commenter over at HotAir posted this Clintonian PARDON link. Busy guy, our Bill.

I’ll Show You “Sophisticated”

Tim Blair has a very kind post up talking about how all these Gorezilla concert goers who think they are going to a “New York” concert for Mamma Gaia are actually going to find themselves in the midst of a New Jersey swamp. In the midst of comments from certain folks who should know better than to abuse my beloved state dear Gary from Jersey makes the following statement

Look. We got the best food, loudest women, greatest beaches and the craziest stories in the country. Mr. Bingley can probably give you lists for all those because he’s more sophisticated, except maybe about the loud women.
The rest of you? Just send your money and stay home. We’ll finish the beer for you.

Now, I must humbly admit that every word of that is true.
And to prove my sophistication, especially combined with the approaching holiday, it is time for me to once again invite you, Dear Reader, to Say ‘Hello’ to MacInslosh™

Yes, by this time tomorrow my dear MacInslosh will be holding not one but two of those most glorious of Australian gifts to the civilized world, the box-wine; both a Red and a White as you will see below the fold on the custom desktop print. 10 liters of joy in a handy, compact case.
I love this country.
Let the celebrations begin!

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Islamic Terrorists Presbyterian Carpooling

saves gas and the environment.

One of the seven people arrested in last week’s failed car bombings in London and at Glasgow’s airport is believed to be have been involved in the incidents at both locations, ITN reported Monday.
Also Monday, Britain’s Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said at least 19 locations were searched as part of the “fast-moving investigation.”
According to reports obtained by ITN, one of the suspects arrested in connection with the Glasgow attacks was the driver of one of the cars found in London tied to the foiled bombings.

They’re gonna have to work on the whole carbon offset concept, though. Flaming cars, flaming gas, flaming Presbyterians (as opposed to Presbyterian flamers) and buildings in flames do NOT reduce your carbon footprint ~ I don’t care what the manual says.

Oh, Jumpin’ Jihadi…

I sure hope there aren’t any South Asian doctoral candidates/medical interns Presbyterians Googling in the U.K. any time soon.

At Last My EEE-ville Plan Comes to Fruition!

You thought I just wanted the black man gone? WRONG-OLA, NOLA!
The whole thing is in the toilet next time.

Stronger levees could hurt French Quarter
The government’s repairs to New Orleans’ hurricane-damaged levees may put the French Quarter in greater danger than it was before Hurricane Katrina, a weakness planners said couldn’t be helped, at least for now.
Experts say the stronger levees and flood walls could funnel storm water into the cul-de-sac of the Industrial Canal, only 2 miles from Bourbon Street, and overwhelm the waterway’s 12-foot-high concrete flood walls that shield some of the city’s most cherished neighborhoods.
…“A system is much like a chain. We have strengthened some of the lengths, and those areas are now better protected,” said Robert Bea, a lead investigator of an independent National Science Foundation team that examined Katrina’s levee failures.
When the chain is challenged by high water again, it will break at those weak links, and they are now next to some of the oldest neighborhoods, including the French Quarter, Marigny, and all of those areas west of the cul-de-sac.

Shock: Man Whose Name Begins With “M” Held In Bombings

I’m shocked. And stunned

Police are urgently hunting at least one person over attempted car bombings in London and at Glasgow airport.
Five people – none thought to be British – have been arrested so far in Paisley, Liverpool and Cheshire.
Houses are being searched in Houston, near Paisley, Merseyside, and in Staffordshire, where one of two doctors arrested in the inquiry lived.
Police are linking the failed bombings and the UK remains on high alert amid fears of a possible further attack.
On Monday, Staffordshire Police closed off Priam Close, in Bradwell, not far from Chesterton, where one of the people being held, Dr Mohammed Asha, lived.

A doctor, one of two being held. What ever happened to “first, do no harm?”
Evidently the Hippocratic Oath has been updated to include “I will procure Mercedes so that my friends may slaughter the Infidels. Peace be upon them.”

So Yesterday, There We Were

…hanging out, just down the road.

I thoughtfully emailed this to Kcruella two seconds after I snapped it and what do I get in return?


Which, sad to say, I had predicted before her terse little text even hit the AT&T server.
Churlish of her, huh?

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