Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell from the tapas, rising up through the air
Far behind in the mirror, I saw a blue flashing light
My foot grew heavy and my grip grew grim
Then I flew out of sight
Then he stood by my door side;
I heard the mission
And I was thinking to myself,
this could be heaven or this could be hell
Then he took out the handcuffs and he led me away
There were voices down the corridor,
I heard the magistrate say…
“Taking a drive in your Ferrari California…”
A Scottish expatriate living on the Costa del Sol has been fined more than £3,000 for driving at the highest speed ever recorded in Granada province.
Alan Heron, who is originally from Glasgow, was also banned from driving for 10 months.
Traffic police caught the 56-year-old speeding at 169 mph in his Ferrari California on a motorway near Baza on Wednesday morning.
This is the bold response of the Obama Navy
(CNN) — Pirates off the eastern coast of Somalia picked the wrong target this week when they tried to attack a U.S. Navy ship, the Navy said Thursday.
…The Lewis and Clark sped up and tried to escape the pirates, and the ship’s security team issued verbal warnings to the approaching skiffs, the Navy said.
… “The actions taken by Lewis and Clark were exactly what the U.S. Navy has been recommending to prevent piracy attacks — for both commercial and military vessels,” said Capt. Steve Kelley, commander of Task Force 53, assigned to the Lewis and Clark.
“Merchant mariners can and should use Lewis and Clark’s actions as an unequivocal example of how to prevent a successful attack from occurring,” he said, adding that “the US Navy will not hesitate to taunt them a second time should they approach one of our vessels again.”
The commander of the Lewis and Clark, Brave Sir Robin, was unavailable for comment.
Fat-free cream cheese sucks.
…on fire?
U.S. to Condemn Land for Flight 93 Memorial
The government will begin taking land from seven property owners so that the Flight 93 memorial can be built in time for the 10th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, the National Park Service said.
In a a statement obtained by The Associated Press, the park service said it had teamed up with a group representing the victims’ families to work with landowners since before 2005 to acquire the land.
“But with few exceptions, these negotiations have been unsuccessful,” said the statement, which was to be released later Thursday.
…”It’s absolutely a surprise. I’m shocked by it. I’m disappointed by it,” said Tim Lambert, who owns nearly 164 acres that his grandfather bought in the 1930s. The park service plans to condemn two parcels totaling about five acres — land, he said, he had always intended to donate for the memorial.
“To the best of my knowledge and my lawyer, absolutely no negotiations have taken place with the park service where we’ve sat down and discussed this,” Lambert said.
(The design itself has enough problems as it is…)
This whole memorial thing is completely and utterly out of hand. If you can’t frickin’ get something built within eight YEARS of such a horrific event that touched ALL Americans, f*ckin’ fuggedaboudit. Leave both sites empty with simple plaques or put them back the way they were before. Save the touchy-feely, deeply profound, over wrought, over thought, endlessly argumentive sh*t for, oh, I don’t know ~ how ’bout Obama’s presidential library?
Almost a decade of wrangling and divergent interests do nobody any honor.
…”Wiccan Day”, “Espicopalian Day”…you get my drift.
Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Bill to Create ‘Islam Day’
Why am I thinking that’s not the case?
Just looking for something to tear apart and eat in my own Land of the Lost…
Now if we’d only get some sun.
The President’s attempted diktat takes money from bondholders and gives it to a labor union that delivers money and votes for him. Why is he not calling on his party to “sacrifice” some campaign contributions, and votes, for the greater good? Shaking down lenders for the benefit of political donors is recycled corruption and abuse of power.
I hope he doesn’t pay too dearly for this…
…because you KNOW he’s gonna pay.
…that makes very depressing sense.
With stocks rallying and early signs the economy is stabilizing, when will the employment situation improve? The answer for many may be never.
This is because the “natural” rate of unemployment, the level at which the economy is running at full steam, could move higher as entire sectors of the economy, such as automobile manufacturing or financial services, are permanently downsized. These jobs are just not coming back — which means people will either need to retrain, seek low-skilled employment, or drop out of the workforce.
According to Edmund Phelps of Columbia University, and winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in economics, the natural rate could rise from 5.5% to as high as 7% as this process runs its course. If this is the case, millions of Americans will be left out of the immediate recovery.
The ranks of the non-taxpayers will swell, through no fault of their own. I can’t wait to see what our President will do then to fund his adventures in governance.
Going to Costco when I’m hungry. But, since I’m hungry all the time, that’s probably a bit much to ask. My latest adventure in shopping excess happened on Thursday, when I popped into Costco just to buy some whole chickens, at only .89/lb, for grilling and beer canning. Or at least that’s what I thought I was going to buy. Ah, but the Gods of Gluttony had other plans for my arteries…
Look at that beauty. Nearly 15 lbs of untrimmed New York Strip glory!
How could a feller say no? Hell, why would a feller say no?
Based on my previous success trimming out a whole tenderloin I felt up to the task…
My first problem was that the slab-o-beef was bigger than my cutting board, so let’s hack this baby into more manageable halves
As you can see there’s a goodly-sized fat cap that needs to be trimmed off, so fir…what are you peeking at, dog?
New York Strip is people food. People food. P-E-O-
P-L oh all right but I want you to count to 10 first in Labradorian before you dive in
Excellent. What happened to your tail?
Now that that’s out of the way I could trim the fat and slice off a bunch of steaks, each one about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches thick…oh yeah
Now that’s a tower of power! I got 12 steaks, each one weighing roughly a pound trimmed, which is enough for at least four meals for us. The price worked out to about $7 per steak, which is pretty good. Using the ever-handy (and cheap) Ziplock Vacuum sealer I packed 9 steaks away for the freezer
and kept 3 out for dinner, coated them liberally with Montreal seasoning
and opened up a bottle of McManis Cab to marinate myself with whilst the grill warmed up
Not the greatest wine, really. A little thin and acidic so this won’t be one I’ll get again; there are many better wines out there in the sub-$10 range that I dwell in…such as that bottle of zinfandel you see lurking in some of the early pictures
Dancing Bull Zinfandel. Good fruit, full bodied…and 14.5% alcohol! W00t!! All for $9. Yippee.
Any-hoo, back to the grill
sizzle sizzle sizzle
and if you’ll excuse us now…
Hard ball.
Nevada turned blue for Barack Obama and Joe Biden last November, but there hasn’t been much love since the election.
First, Obama was criticized for telling companies not to schedule junkets in Las Vegas and now the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority is taking a swipe at Biden’s retracted statement that people should avoid flying because of the swine flu.
The full-page USA Today ad reads…
“Mister Vice President, if you had said it here no one would have known,”
…a reference to the famous “What Happens Here, Stays Here” slogan.
(A Swill salute to the Campaign Spot.)
I like the sound of that.
…The assault on hedge funds, derided by the Bully in Chief as a small band of “speculators” seeking a “bailout”, was more than President Obama’s usual opportunistic populism – it’s a signal of the pernicious effect of the increasingly intrusive federal role in the private sector.
To set the record straight, some investors in Chrysler debt are asserting their legal rights – in fact, their legal obligation to shareholders – by electing to make their case in bankruptcy court.
Well, sometimes you should.
An illegal immigrant who uses false identification papers must know they belonged to another person to be convicted of identity theft, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday.
Apparently anybody can be you…as long as they “don’t know it”.
This is gonna make defense lawyers real happy ~ spend five minutes rehearsing the “I know nozzink No sé nada” line…
…and you’re done.
But I wanted Will to know how very sorry we were.
Good dog, Bob.
Biggest hugs to you both.
The deer can’t wait…
…my brave little brothers.
…If all goes according to the Pentagon’s plan, this tiny perimeter — home to an Afghan platoon and two Marine Corps infantrymen — contains the future of Afghanistan….
…In all, Corporal Conroy said, in five months here, he and Lance Corporal Murray have been attacked more than 70 times. He said he respected the insurgents’ courage, but was grateful that most of them lacked an essential skill.
“They are experienced and understand the principles of the ambush,” he said. “But they are not very good shots. If these guys knew how to shoot like even the U.S. Army, we would be taking 50 percent casualties on all of our patrols.”
(Sorry, Jeff…{8^P)
It’s a great story.
I mean, goodness! Perish The Thought. But I do find it…shall we say somewhat curious that there is something lacking from their diligent and impartial reporting now
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Three U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on Thursday, making April the deadliest month for U.S. servicemembers this year.
Two Marines and a sailor were killed during operations against militants, according to a U.S. military news release. The military did not release the names of the troops.
In April, 18 U.S. troops died in Iraq, according to a CNN count of reported troop fatalities. Sixteen of those troops died in combat.
March’s nine fatalities was the lowest death toll for U.S. troops in Iraq since 2003.
April was also the deadliest month this year for Iraqi civilians. At least 290 Iraqi civilians died in April, compared to 185 in March, according to an Interior Ministry official. Nearly 80 Iranian pilgrims were killed in suicide bombings last week.
April has seen a rise in attacks, most of them targeting Shiites. A series of suicide bombings last week killed almost 160 people and left almost 300 wounded.
Six car bombings struck Shiite areas of Baghdad in the span of four hours on Wednesday, killing dozens of people and wounding more than 100 people.
Notice what’s missing? What has been included in every, and I do mean every, single story from Iraq by the MSM from moment one until, oh, say early November last year?
The Grim Milestone-O-Meter, that running tally of US deaths.
Gee, what could have possibly changed that the Fourth Estate feels it can move on to its next project?