Well, okay, this is not a big shock.
But isn’t it amazing that in one of the most crime-infested cities in the country (and I’m not even including Congress or the White House…or the IRS or the State Department) the Powers That Be™ in Washington DC decide that what they REALLY need to devote their resources to, the scourge that they need to fight to keep their citizens safe is, well, er chickens
The chickens of the 3900 block of Jenifer Street NW are, by all appearances, well-cared for, each looked after by one of the four children of Allison Sheedy and Daniel McInnis.
There is the fluffy, yellow Mrs. Tiggy-winkle; the big, black-and-white Minnie Mouse; the mottled-orange India; and the burgundy-toned Red, named for Washington’s football team.
Their coop rests under a holly tree in the spacious back yard of a 10,000-square-foot Chevy Chase double lot that features two gardens — one for vegetables, one for herbs — where neighborhood kids have been known to stop by, say hello and, perhaps, pick up a fresh-laid egg.
But now, Mrs. Tiggy-winkle and her feathered friends have been targeted by the D.C. Department of Health. The health department has declared the chickens contraband — and Sheedy and McInnis, both attorneys, have filed suit against the department and sought a temporary restraining order to keep their birds.
…The District government doesn’t agree, at least when it comes to fowl. Officials with the health department and D.C.’s attorney general’s office declined to comment on the case or restrictions on chickens and coops in the city.
Sheedy and McInnis’s analysis of D.C. law, however, challenges the city’s restrictions. They say city regulations prevent building a coop within 50 feet “of any building used for human habitation.” Though that might rule out a coop for a D.C. rowhouse, an expansive Chevy Chase lot like theirs could host one, they argue.
…In addition, Sheedy and McInnis focused on a 1993 amendment to the D.C. Animal Control Act that they say the health department relies on in banning chickens. The amendment was meant to outlaw wolves, wolf-hybrids and other “exotic” animals, they say, not backyard fowl. They also say it specifically permits “captive-bred species of common cage birds.”
“Plaintiffs are unaware of any chicken breeds that are part wolf or wolf-dog,” their complaint read. “Plaintiffs are also unaware of any incidents in the District of dangerous chickens biting people.”
They have a large lot, and they have four hens. Please note, hens. Ours neighbors are dear sweet people, and they have chickens (they used to have a bunch of quail too, they were awesome but that’s another story). I love their chickens, and have no problem with them.
However, once they had a rooster.

Every morning at 4 am and 5 am that sonuvabitch would cock-a-doodle-doo.
Now, since I leave the house at 4 it only annoyed me on the weekends; my Bride, well she was annoyed 24/7, so I did the Good Neighbor Thing and talked to those good folks and Old Foghorn disappeared real quick.
But these good folks are very clear that they DON’T have a rooster, just 4 hens laying eggs, eating bugs, and teaching their kids how to be responsible and care for other living creatures. Oh, and savvy readers will notice that Daniel has a TOTALLY kick ass Lodge cast iron pan that he is frying up those eggs in.
People, you want to vote for Big Government to solve all your problems…this is what you get.