Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya On the Way Out
Retiring U.S. Senator George Voinovich will break ranks with fellow Republicans and provide the crucial 60th vote needed in the Senate to pass President Barack Obama’s small business lending package, an aide said Friday.
Maybe he’s got a cushy, post-retirement job lined up now, hey?
My god. What a loser.
Next time our president decides to chastise the republican party for being obstructionist, let’s hope someone asks about this… 2.5% of the republicans in the senate broke ranks with their party on this issue. The numbers are always low, but often nonzero. In contrast, 0% of democrats in the senate have broken ranks with their party on anything for the last 2 years. Who is really willing to “cross the aisle”?
Next time our president decides to chastise the republican party for being obstructionist,
Ain’t it something else how this pretender of a President can call a party that is well outnumbered in the House and checked by a fillibuster-proof Senate “obstructionist”?
That’s known as “projection”, Guns, and it’s a sign they they are in deep deep denial of significant personal issues.