This Flopping Aces Post Made Me Feel Unutterably Sad
Because he’s right.
The President of the United States has called everyday people ~ you and me ~ “enemies”.
Staggering. It’s just staggering.
Because he’s right.
The President of the United States has called everyday people ~ you and me ~ “enemies”.
Staggering. It’s just staggering.
Makes Ya Barf, Nanny State, People, Politics | tree hugging sister | October 30, 2010 8:17 pm
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Well, this likely explains why Senator Patty Murray (yeah, that Murray) had a lot of husky men wearing union jackets providing very obvious security outside her campaign stop here today: she agrees with Obama.
We are the enemy.
Thanks, Obama, for “healing” the planet. NOT.
GWB never used that terminology. Never ever. He could rise above; Obama cannot.
Well, it’s consistent with marxism to do that.
And he is a marxist.
No surprise here.
He’s an enemy to all people, places, and things decent.
His defeat in 2012 will be sweet (if he even makes it that far).
Let’s have some Labradork pix to take the bad taste away. And Happy Halloween, everybody. (Check out the Sears website, below: v. funny.)
The feeling is mutual, Mr. President, the feeling is mutual.
Wish Tuesday would just come and go. If I had a dollar for every robo call I’ve received……….