Another Reason to Have That Cup O’ Joe

A would-be carjacker got a different kind of jolt from his intended victim’s morning cup of coffee, authorities said.
The suspect tapped the car window Wednesday morning with a gun and motioned the driver to get out, Chief Deputy Roy Hughes said.
But the driver — who had just bought a cup of hot coffee — slammed the car door into the carjacker’s legs, threw the coffee at his neck and face and wrestled him to the ground, Hughes said.

Bet the carjacker sues the coffee pot (ala MacDonalds) now. He’d have grounds for it…

3 Responses to “Another Reason to Have That Cup O’ Joe”

  1. GALA says:

    Forty or fifty years ago my uncle was a taxi cab driver. A thug went to rob him and my uncle knocked out his two front teeth. The thug thought he could sue my uncle (NOT)!

  2. The Real JeffS says:

    The article doesn’t specify if that “hot coffee” was black, or what. I’m sorta curious if the would be carjacker got creamed in the process…….

  3. The Real JeffS says:

    But he did beaned, after all.

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