The Pig Got Popped
Did someone shoot the pig for lunch?
Bullet found in woman’s pork loin casserole
Was the pig a victim of a rural drive-by shooting?
That’s one theory a Publix spokesman offered to explain how a bullet wound up in an Ormond Beach woman’s pork loin.
Diane Johnson’s son-in-law found the bullet in a pork loin casserole she served Tuesday to her family. She said there was no mistaking the projectile’s distinct shape in the pork loin she bought at a local Publix grocery store.
It’s terrible, the violence against pigs these days.
We know it couldn’t have been those British Muslims, they’ve banned handguns in England…
Hehehehe, Publix.
I went to Florida for the first time as a teenager and my dad kept calling them “Pubix” which when you’re 15, is HYSTERICAL.
We have them here, also. I thought it was quite funny as well, Lisa.
The weird thing is, I wonder how the bullet got there. I saw this yesterday from Fark and the story they linked to had a picture. The bullet didn’t look like it had been fired. There was no mushrooming or anything. It was solid, but had no casing. Weird.
Hmm, has the Wendy’s Chili Lady been shopping again?
But how awesome is it that she’s not suing. I found that the most important part.
I’d say the guy who fired the shot is now Publix Enemy #1
Pic of the bullet here: Looks like a 7.62x54R soft-point like you’d get for an old surplus Moisen-nagant or SKS?
I heard that maybe this pig got popped because he squealed.
but had no casing
Bet the sausage did.
Phew! Read the headline and thought Hillary was pregnant again…..
Bad boy!