“Then Blow Ye Winds Westerly, Westerly Blow!”

(Hey, Dallas Cowboy! It’s FOUR degrees and not a breath of air! How’s that whole “WIND FARM” thing working out for ya??)
GULP! Second Stanza:

Or it’s gonna be DARK and MIGHTY F*CKING COLD around here….” – Texas Wind Farm Shanty

2 Responses to ““Then Blow Ye Winds Westerly, Westerly Blow!””

  1. T. Boone says:

    Well, it’s just you little people who are affected and it will probably be just for a day or two. Relax and quit your whining because it works most of the time. Besides, all of us important people have generators so we can continue to make the best decisions for you, just like always. Run along now.

  2. nightfly says:

    And I thought this idea smelled bad on the outside…

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