Dear F*cking Ann Althouse and Your Pathetic Video Camera Toting Boytoy
And play.
Shame it’s all over for you.
And play.
Shame it’s all over for you.
Humanity...or the Lack Thereof, Makes Ya Barf, Media | tree hugging sister | March 18, 2011 8:51 am
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The Other McCain has a good roll up of this particular a$$hat.
Who has, apparently, committed “Identity Suicide” due to “a right-blogosphere campaign” to silence the cretin.
As the Underground Conservative put it, “Wow, you can almost smell the patchouli, the body odor and the wacky weed from here.”
Maybe all the publicity will finally force the Madison cops to actually, you know, do their job? Hasn’t happened so far, but there’s always hope.
Silence him? On the contrary… on with the truth, up with the volume. Tell the world exactly how crapulent you are, cretin. Pray tell explain to all and sundry what violence you intend toward others.