There IS a Homer Simpson Twin in Congress

I just never noticed ’til now.

Kucinich (D-OH)

12 Responses to “There IS a Homer Simpson Twin in Congress”

  1. Well, except that Homer’s fatter and more intelligent.

  2. Yojimbo says:

    And I thnk Homer has a job. Kookcinich is losing his over redistricting. I think(whoa!) Fox news reported that he was contemplating moving to Washington state to run in a newly created seat.

  3. JeffS says:

    Yeah, he’s considering such a move, Yojimbo. I’ll have to renew my standing offer to run a border checkpoint somewhere in the Cascades if that happens.

  4. Mockingbird says:

    What about community organizin’?

  5. Gary from Jersey says:

    Ol’ Dennis is migrating? There’s hope for Cleveland after all.

  6. major dad says:

    Li’l Dennis will fit right in with the nut jobs in Washington State, sorry Jeff, you’re an island in a vast sea of them.

  7. Yojimbo says:

    Whoa pilgrims! Let’s not put the cart befoe the jackass here. Evidently redistricting will take away his seat and Fox news reported tha he is THINKING about moving to Washington state.

    Actually TRJ is balancing on a pebble on that island in that vast sea.

  8. major dad says:

    We’re just saying the jackass is thinking of moving to Washington, no carts here.

  9. ricki says:

    Thanks to you, I will now hear every one of Kucinich’s pronouncements in Homer’s voice.


  10. JeffS says:

    Li’l Dennis will fit right in with the nut jobs in Washington State, sorry Jeff, you’re an island in a vast sea of them.

    Alas, all too true, Major Dad. I loathe even driving through Seattle these days; it makes me feel like I’m in San Francisco.

  11. JeffS says:

    Yo, having that nutcase even THINKING about moving here gives me the heebie jeebies.

    That and an odd but compelling urge to clean my rifle….

  12. tree hugging sister says:

    We live to serve, ricki.

    We live to serve.

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