Strike the Pose

Guys who were the bomb in college…and bombed out of it.

John William Heisman (1869-1936)

5 Responses to “Strike the Pose”

  1. Nightfly says:

    Andre Ware, call your office, there’s a Mr. Klingler on line three…

  2. WunderKraut says:

    Hey,I already posted on this!
    I Rewl!

  3. OldCrow says:

    I guess the writers at haven’t, collectively, had a single major knee reconstruction – much less two.

  4. Well, desk jobs usually are pretty safe. Until that awful moment when they yell “Donuts in the Conference Room!” and you rip your knee up trying to bolt from your chair.

  5. Nobrainer says:

    Ah yes, one of my favorite Clemson coaches. I didn’t get to watch many of his games though.

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