Hoot, Mon!! Don’t Let the Bastarrrrrds
…get ya doon. They may take yairrrr kilt, but they ken nivverrrr take yairrrr Frrrrreedom!!
Student asked to change out of kilt seeks dress code change
Ah carrrrse, we’d be inna fairrrr mind grrrratefool if summum’d strrrrip the same cloth frrrae Bingley’s pasty arrrrse and coovairrrr it up decent like, so wee bairrrrns don hafta coovairrrr theirrrr eyes wan he strrroots bye, as he’s wont ta dooo.
You know, I may wear that outfit again for Christmas day when Cruella shows up…
But what do guys wear under kilts?!??!?!
No, I won’t go and look….