Happy Thanksgiving, My Darlinks!!
We Skyped for over an hour with Ebola this morning when he got home from stormy sky watching, so we are already VERY thankful.
Enjoy your day wherever you may be, stay safe and warm and, above all, happy.
We Skyped for over an hour with Ebola this morning when he got home from stormy sky watching, so we are already VERY thankful.
Enjoy your day wherever you may be, stay safe and warm and, above all, happy.
Fun | tree hugging sister | November 24, 2011 3:01 pm
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Happy Thanksgiving, all!
I’m off to a friend’s house for turkey; alas, the weather in the Cascades precluded my driving there yesterday, and the weather for the rest of the weekend isn’t much better.
Happy Thanksgiving a day late. Between the stuffed turkey (that would be me) and the after-dinner napping I didn’t get my rounds made.