Two Words

Bubba Watson

Our home grown, Escambia talent strikes again!

Damn, that was FINE.

5 Responses to “Two Words”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    My beloved Bride was shouting “Go Bubba!”

  2. currently says:

    We’ve had many golf champions from this area including Heath, Joe, Boo and Bubba, but this is our first Master’s champion.

    Oh yeah, Jerry Pate won a US Open a while back.

  3. currently says:

    I was on the edge of my seat all afternoon thinking Bubba was going to win, to oh no, Bubba just lost it to holy cow, he actually did it.

    He’s a great champion and representative of our little cubby hole in NW FL. He’s very humble and love’s his life’s fortunes more than his golf’s fortunes.

    He made history but was in a hurry to get home to his wife and new son.

    Congratulations Bubba!

  4. tree hugging sister says:

    Currently, we were sitting at the Wahoos game explaining to a young Marine Corps Lt. and his date about whatever’s in the water around here athletics (and otherwise) overachiever types and mentioned that we’d left the house with Bubba going out no. 4 at the Masters. When we got home (WITH the Wahoos victorious over the VILE Biscuits yet again), major dad said, “Bubba’s gotta a chance to win the Masters!!!” to which I replied (ahem) “WHAT?!?!?!?”

    They were on 18. Then the play-off.

    Holy CRAP. Bubba crying his eyes out was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

    What a day.

  5. currently says:


    You’ll probably enjoy this link to the Bubba wins the Masters if you haven’t read it already. Hope I pasted it right. It’s titled “The artist of Augusta”.

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