Boy That Laser-Like Focus On Jobs Is Really Paying Off

Ain’t it?

U.S. payrolls expanded by 80,000 net positions in June as the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.2 percent, new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

Below, key output from the report.

Net Change: +80K

Private Payroll Change: +84K

Manufacturing Change: +11K

Unemployment Rate: 8.2 percent

Average Hourly Earnings (MoM): +0.3 percent

Average Weekly Hours Worked: 34.5 hours

Here’s what the Street is looking for:

Net Change: +100K

Private Payroll Change: +106K

Manufacturing Change: +7K

Unemployment Rate: 8.2 percent

Average Hourly Earnings (MoM): +0.2 percent

Average Weekly Hours Worked: 34.4 hours

Yeah, total SUCKAGE.

6 Responses to “Boy That Laser-Like Focus On Jobs Is Really Paying Off”

  1. Gary from Jersey says:

    Just wait until DoL revises its business birth-death guess. We could lose even these paltry numbers. We are so boned.

  2. Syd B. says:

    The Rock Star is no more. Now he’s just another failed politician with a trail of disappointment behind him. He’ll have to create one hell of a reason to compel people to vote for him with the same enthusiasm as ’08. That’s what scares me.

  3. aelfheld says:

    Never has so much incompetence been demonstrated by so few.

  4. JeffS says:

    The Obamabots will brush this off, so long as they get their goobermint check.

  5. nightfly says:

    Laser-focus didn’t focus-test well, so he went with “social advocacy and football-spiker.” The media no longer portrays him as the Economy’s Lightbringing Bailer-Outer… in fact, I have seen in print that it’s now Romeny who “rarely strays from the economy” while “In contrast, Obama often speaks out on social concerns.”

    Old and busted: laser focus.
    New hotness: social concerns.

    Now hush up and pay your Twinkie Tax.

  6. We must also never forget the lame economic forecast Team Obama fed to America in 2009 to build support for his Stimulus. Total failure.

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