She’s Slipped Under the Waves
Even keel the whole way until the Gulf flooded the hangar bays. Then her bow shot up and she was gone.
Even keel the whole way until the Gulf flooded the hangar bays. Then her bow shot up and she was gone.
Military Thingies | tree hugging sister |
May 17, 2006 12:06 pm
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In death, she’ll give life. As they said in Damn Yankees, “Good Bye, Old Girl.”
Those hanger bays are ginormous huge, you can hold a football game inside there. It’s enough to make me want to learn to scuba dive – like when I was a kid watching Flipper or Sea Hunt – but the damn Pacific up here is like 52-degrees year-round and the water is opaque with kelp… I have to go to Hawaii to snorkel even.