Actually Obama’s Speech Wasn’t Bad

He had some good lines at the Al Smith Dinner last night.

But Romney really was funny as hell and hits Obama and himself with some seriously good zingers.

4 Responses to “Actually Obama’s Speech Wasn’t Bad”

  1. Syd B. says:

    Finally, a comedian who is not afraid to make fun of Obama. Obama had some humorous lines also, but in comparison, he seemed a bit stiff and almost not wanting to be there. Mitt seems to be gaining confidence with each passing day.

    Would it surprise anyone to find out that Dennis Miller had some input to Mitt’s material.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    I think you’re exactly right, Syd.

  3. Syd B. says:

    Al Smith had some good lines, too:

    Smith added that Romney gives 10 percent of his income to charity — “but the charity is the federal government.”

    “Really governor, your father was from Mexico and you have five kids — are you sure you’re not Catholic?”

    Smith dished it out for the president, too.

    “We recognize that you have some challenges this year,” Smith told Obama.“It’s never good when your opponent has produced more sons than you have jobs.”

  4. Kathy Kinsley says:

    “We recognize that you have some challenges this year,” Smith told Obama.“It’s never good when your opponent has produced more sons than you have jobs.”

    OUCH! Now that’s a good one. (the others weren’t bad either – keep in mind I’m a supporter of the syphilitic camel – or ANYONE but).
    Sorry, still not fond of Romney. Just that he’s better than the rest and I’m in a swing state, so have no excuse for voting what I actually believe, vs. what socialist-lite might have a chance of winning.
    /rant off

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