Not A Dame
What a really odd, odd story
Manti Te’o’s Dead Girlfriend, The Most Heartbreaking And Inspirational Story Of The College Football Season, Is A Hoax
What a really odd, odd story
Manti Te’o’s Dead Girlfriend, The Most Heartbreaking And Inspirational Story Of The College Football Season, Is A Hoax
Life, Makes Ya Barf, Media, Morality, People | Mr. Bingley |
January 17, 2013 8:25 am
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Yeah, so the question is, “Is Te’o a fraud or just stupid?”
I think “yes” is a possibility.
This was NOT the story for me to read at 10 o’ clock last night.
WTF doesn’t even begin to cover it.
“Yes”, “Both” and “Well, damn”.
THS,I think the term, “WTF” was invented for this story.
Methinks Manti’s near future includes several hours on a Psychiatrist’s couch.
Maybe he’ll compete in the next Tour de France…
Speaking of that, I’ll paraphrase some of the Twitter comments this morning: “Lance Armstrong owes Manti a BIG, WET KISS…”
CBS did a report this morning, pointing out (and this is a DUH on my part) that Notre Dame KNEW about this on the 26th of Dec, but still allowed their reporter to do a Sunday Morning piece on Manti, tragedy included, the morning BEFORE the BCS game. That’s just WRONG.
Not to mention all the money ND was making (some of MINE included…) from sales of BCS game jerseys with Guess Whose number on it?
I feel dirty.
I’da played like shit in that game, too.
The guy has an imaginary girlfriend. Doesn’t that decribe about 90% of the male student body at Notre Dame?
Ooh snap, David!
Even though I’m a Bama fan, this whole story is so bizarre I can only offer you ND fans my sincere sympathy of the “I feel your pain” variety. Dang, WTF??!