
They’re what’s for dinner


with some sauteed kale on the side


Of course a CERTAIN SOMEONE was far more interested in the short ribs I started tonight for Sunday’s dinner


and then he became all Mr. Sulky Pants when he felt short-changed on the short rib scraps


quick, call the ASPCA

6 Responses to “Moinks!”

  1. Julie says:

    And why shouldn’t he sulk? He looks emaciated, poor thing. Don’t you feed him?!

  2. Fausta says:

    Not to worry, Claude, I’ll show up for short ribs & give table scraps 🙂

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    Figure about 6, Fausta 🙂

  4. BlackDog says:

    BAD DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    He had ground beef from the moink making and some short rib bits!

    I had to save something for us!

  6. Fausta says:

    There you go, Claude. Your friends lobby for you!

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