Quote Of The Day
Reflecting on the success of the marriage, Ron, now a 91-year-old grandfather, humorously said, “We promised to love, honour and obey, and I did all the obeying.”
A very very sweet story.
Reflecting on the success of the marriage, Ron, now a 91-year-old grandfather, humorously said, “We promised to love, honour and obey, and I did all the obeying.”
A very very sweet story.
Life, People | Mr. Bingley | June 19, 2013 3:12 pm
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Reminds me of a story I once read about an 80-year (yes, 80) anniversary couple. The reporter asked the woman if she’d ever considered divorce.
She said: “Divorce, no. Murder, yes.”
🙂 Cheers, lads and lassies – here’s to love!
My sister-in-law ends any argument with the this question: ‘Ex or extra pillow?’
Keep an eye out for large purchases of Tide, hefty bags anda new chain saw.
Blackdog, someday Sis and I will drink enough wine and we’ll tell you our woodchipper story…