…find out about Peruvian mistress
Fun | Mr. Bingley | June 20, 2013 8:47 am
I can’t get that to load. But I suspect it might be something to do with the Thai expression “to the ducks” – or Lorena Bobbit… 😛
P.S – it’s probably TMI – but here’s one link about ” to the ducks”. Click only if you are a female with a strong stomach.
You have a Peruvian mistress?
Heck, BlackDog, that question should be, “You have a Peruvian wife AND a Peruvian mistress?”
I was, er, ahem , merely speaking in the hypothetical, Blackdog.
In vino, veritas.
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I can’t get that to load. But I suspect it might be something to do with the Thai expression “to the ducks” – or Lorena Bobbit… 😛
P.S – it’s probably TMI – but here’s one link about ”
to the ducks”. Click only if you are a female with a strong stomach.
You have a Peruvian mistress?
Heck, BlackDog, that question should be, “You have a Peruvian wife AND a Peruvian mistress?”
I was, er, ahem , merely speaking in the hypothetical, Blackdog.
In vino, veritas.