Don’t You Get a Training Table and Meal Plan With That SCHOLARSHIP, Asshat?
Not having been able to AFFORD college my ownself, I want to smack this entitled piece of shit into next week.
UConn’s Napier, on athletes unionizing
Shabazz Napier, point guard for The University of Connecticut’s men’s basketball team, recently told reporters he understands why athletes at Northwestern need a union, as he sometimes has to go to bed “starving” because he cannot afford food.
“We as student athletes get utilized for what we do so well. We are definitely best to get a scholarship to our universities, but at the end of the day, that doesn’t cover everything. We do have hungry nights that we don’t have enough money to get food and sometimes money is needed,” the senior told reporters. “I think, you know, Northwestern has an idea, and we’ll see where it goes.”
Last I heard, these poor, starving children so DREADFULLY taken advantage of by these BIG, MEAN colleges (Just because they can PLAY A GAME, mind you.) are taking advantage of a system that offers them a FREE college meal plan, 95% of the time, a FREE TRAINING TABLE on top of world class facilities in which to train, FREE roofs over their ungrateful, petulant heads, not to mention the FREE tens-IF-NOT-HUNDREDS-of-thousands of dollars worth of FREE college level education – to which, in 90% of the cases, they would NEVER have had access based on actual educational work-ethic, i.e. GRADES.
A game.
You PLAY a GAME, you little turd.
Confession: I kind of want to see the unionization happen, so those kids can see ALL the unintended consequences (IRS counting their scholarships as “income,” having to pay big union dues).
That said, I’m not sure I could stomach some lunkhead football-playing student refusing to do something in my class because “I make more than you do in a year.”
Shutting down collegiate sports isn’t going to happen, but it should. Because they aren’t college students, they are professional athletes supported by a school.