Now I Know the U.N. Has Its Panties in a Wad About This
But it’s NOT “inhumane”. Even the locals are saying it’s cultural, in a “free stuff is what I rate/you OWE me” sort of way.
Majority Of Delinquent Detroit Water Customers In Culture Of: ‘You’re Not Making Me Pay,’ Says Deputy Director
DETROIT (WWJ) – Several people protested outside the Detroit Water And Sewerage Department building Thursday, saying customers are having service cut off at an alarming rate and the practice is inhumane.
Organizer David Bullock with the Change Agent Consortium says the water department is going after customers that may be as little as $150 delinquent and says the department ignores large corporations which are behind.
“People always want to attack the poor … why are we attacking poor people?” he asked.
But when asked which large companies are behind in their payments, Bullock would only say that WWJ should research the issue.
…City of Detroit Water And Sewerage Department Deputy Director, Darryl Latimer,…
“The majority of our customers (who) are in delinquency status, they just built a culture of ,’You’re not making me pay— I am not going to pay’,” said Latimer.
I bet the large companies do pay their bills. It’s just a way for the whiners to deflect their problems onto someone else.