This Time You’ve Gone Too Far, Mr. President
He is getting out of control
(AP) — America’s hard-line president urged students Tuesday to push for a purge of liberal and secular university teachers, another sign of his determination to strengthen Christian fundamentalism in the country.
…Bush’s call was not a surprise — since taking office six years ago, he also has moved to replace pragmatic veterans in the government and diplomatic corps with former military commanders and inexperienced religious hard-liners.
The US still has strong moderate factions but Bush’s administration also has launched crackdowns on independent journalists, Web sites and bloggers.
Speaking to a group of students Tuesday, Bush called on them to pressure his administration to keep driving out moderate instructors, a process that began earlier this year.
Dozens of liberal university professors and teachers were sent into retirement this year after Bush’s administration named the first cleric to head Washington University, sparking strong protests from students.
“Today, students should shout at the president and ask why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities,” the New York Times quoted Bush as saying during a meeting with students.
Oh, silly me; they were talking about Iran, not Chimpy.