Tour de Gore
UPDATE REDUX: Honest to GOD, I swear the whole family’s smokin’ dope. (DOPE being the operative word.)
The artist formerly known as Cat Stevens — and now known as Yusuf Islam — will perform at one of Al Gore’s Live Earth concerts. Click here….including links to a video in which Mr. Peace Train expresses his desire for Salman Rushdie to burn at the stake, plus his connections to Hamas.
Via the Blogfaddah.
I was making some audio CDs for my bro and his wife – they are expecting their first child in December – and I did have to put some tracks on the CD collection that were recorded by some rather unsavory types.
But, Christ on a crouton! I just had to. No nursery is complete without the PPM classic “Puff The Magic Dragon.” Or Yusuf’s seminal work “Oh Very Young.” Oh very young and impressionable and ripe for indoctrination? And lest we forget CSN&Y “Teach Your Children.” Teach them what, exactly, Mr. Crosby? How to keep a sharp rig for IV drugs and how to get on the liver donor list first? I tried to toss in a bit of irony by using John Denver’s “Leaving On A Jet Plane” instead of PPM’s. Leaving on a ultralite? And how could I forget Tucson native daughter and colossal assmunch Linda Rondstadt and “Blue Bayou?”
“The House At Pooh Corner?” Check.
“Somewhere Over The Rainbow” by Iz? Check.
Tom T. Hall classics including “Sneaky Snake?” Check.
“In My Life” performed by Johnny Cash? Check.
“Crocodile Rock,” “Three Little Birds” and “Little Wing” (SRV version) Check.
“These Are The Days” by Van Morrison. Check.
“Amazing Grace” by The Royal Scots. Bagpipes. Sublime.
“El Rey” y “Una Paloma Blanca” from our mariachi youth.
“Wouldn’t It Be Nice” and “God Only Knows” from summers in HI.
“I.G.Y.” because that song rocks. Plus some Steely Dan.
“You’re My Best Friend” by Queen. Rocks.
“Cheek to Cheek” and “More” by Sinatra. Their wedding songs.
“You Belong To Me.” Deano.
“Heaven or Las Vegas” Cocteau Twins. Sublimely bitchen.
“Everybody Wants To Rule The World.” Might as well learn early, bambino.
Willie, Waylon, the boys. Bread. Thomas Dolby. Gypsy Kings. Alphaville. Hendrix. Julio Iglesias?! Talking Heads.
My God. What have I done?!
Anyone else having a baby and want a 6 CD library? Anyone? Anyone?