Fred Drops Out
A pity, but his heart never seemed to be in it. So now I guess we end up with some sort of McCain/Romney combination.
A pity, but his heart never seemed to be in it. So now I guess we end up with some sort of McCain/Romney combination.
Politics | tree hugging sister | January 22, 2008 2:48 pm
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I just hope we don’t end up with Huckleberry Godbotherer.
Petraeus ’08’.
Since he can handle Iraq, America won’t be a problem.
Bingley, drop your run for the NJ governatorship, and declare yourself a write in candidate for the Prez!!!!!
I think I just threw my lot in with Dave Burge.
Great, someone who holds free speech in contempt and a Grade A Phony. Throw in the Theocrat, the Bully and (probable) Racist. I think I’m staying home on February 5th.
Ain’t choice great, Bill?