When I Said I Lived With Wolves And Trekked Across Europe…

…as the orphaned child of Jews killed by the Nazis what I meant was I stayed in Brussels the whole time

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — A Belgian writer has admitted that she made up her best-selling “memoir” depicting how, as a Jewish child, she lived with a pack of wolves in the woods during the Holocaust, her lawyers said Friday.
Misha Defonseca’s book, “Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years,” was translated into 18 languages and made into a feature film in France.
Her two Brussels-based lawyers, siblings Nathalie and Marc Uyttendaele, said the author acknowledged her story was not autobiographical and that she did not trek 1,900 miles as a child across Europe with a pack of wolves in search of her deported parents during World War II.

The author apologizes for any confusion that this may have caused.

18 Responses to “When I Said I Lived With Wolves And Trekked Across Europe…”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    More fake but accurate, huh?

  2. Across Europa with a pack of camels I could believe. But wolves? Never.

  3. Tainted Bill says:

    This reminds me of the time I had Osama Bin Laden cornered in a cave in Kerplunkistan…

  4. greg newson says:

    What’s really weird is Europeans say Americans are stupid Christian trailer trash.At least,we’re not stupid enough to believe such a crazy book.
    Europeans are naive children.Brain-washed by decades
    of political correctness.

  5. Skyler says:

    People believed such a silly story? Shame on them. They probably really believe Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, too.

  6. Gunslinger says:

    I’ll bet Studio Ghibli could do a good animated movie about that premise.
    How the hell anyone believed it was a true story is beyond rational.

  7. memomachine says:

    Anybody remember that Rigoberta Menchu? She wrote a completely made up book, pretended it was autobiographical and STILL won the Nobel prize for literature *and* the Pulitzer *after* it was acknowledged that it was fake.
    And, believe it or not, it’s currently used as a textbook because, and I s**t you not, it should’ve been true.

    As an aside I’m writing my autobiography of when I was abandoned at age 5 and had to survive on the melting artic ice cap with my brother the polar bear cub and our polar bear mother. I’m sad to say that my mother polar bear was shot and skinned by a Republican while my brother polar bear drowned because the ice all melted.
    Oh and I did all this while naked at -70f degrees.
    I expect my damn Nobel ASAP and no whining about it.

  8. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Across Europa with a pack of camels I could believe.
    All she had to do was walk a mile.

  9. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Across Europa with a pack of camels I could believe.
    All she had to do was walk a mile.

  10. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Hmmmmmm……now I’m plagiarizing myself….

  11. And, believe it or not, it’s currently used as a textbook because, and I s**t you not, it should’ve been true.
    Lord. That pretty much says it all about the New Left.

  12. Ebola says:

    New left? Same left. Hopefully one day…none left.

  13. greg newson says:

    The Real Jeff;That was pretty good.I’d walk a mile for a camel.Old School,but right on the mark.

  14. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Alas, greg, the Tree Hugging Sister does not share your enthusiasm. I shall have to persevere in my quest for the perfect one liner…..

  15. nightfly says:

    That’s nothing. I’m currently writing my own autobiography posthumously.

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