Attention Central Jerseyans
UPDATE and BUMP: Oooo, they let Bingley inside!!!!! He’s 2nd row, center, BUT they made everyone write their questions on cards ahead of time. As Bingster says, “it does lessen the theatrics somewhat”. Oh, well ~ report to follow. In the meantime, here’s a shot he took while waiting in line:
For those of you who live in the 12th District our Representative Rush Holt will be holding a town meeting in Middletown:
On Wednesday, August 26 at 7 p.m. Rep. Rush Holt will host a town hall meeting in Middletown. The meeting will be held at the Middletown Arts Center, which is located at 36 Church Street. The public meeting is an opportunity to talk with Rep. Holt about issues facing New Jersey and the nation, including the economy, jobs, health care reform, hometown security, energy, education, and Social Security.
Please come prepared to ask tough questions in a respectful manner; we’ll drink afterwards.
Oh, and if any of you have some spare AstroTurf, my lawn has got some serious bare patches.
Update: Welcome InstaPunditers!
Looks like someone else is planning to be there
Fair Haven Mayor Michael Halfacre announced today that he will be hosting an “Open to All Townhall” meeting on Wednesday August 26th at 5:30 pm at the Middletown Arts Center to discuss the controversial healthcare reforms being debated throughout the country. Congressman Rush Holt is scheduled to hold a townhall meeting the same evening at 7:00 pm inside the Arts Center. Mayor Halfacre’s forum will be held outside the Arts Center, before the Holt gathering, weather permitting.
Maybe we can call it “Holt’s Halfacre”…
I’m really going to have to try and get there early.
Either I’m the only Jersey guy reading this today or I’m the first one to get down this far, but we’re getting the same pony show in the 11th with Pallone. He tried to have a town meeting in Red Bank Borough Hall 7 p.m. Aug. 28 but so many people complained he moved it to the middle school. Expect ACORN to fill it by around noon.
Yeah, I’m curious to see what/who shows up. It starts at 7; I may wander over at 6 or so to see what’s up.
[…] Mr Bingley For those of you who live in the 12th District our Representative Rush Holt will be holding a town […]
Be careful who you let know about the empty spot on the lawn, Bingley. I hear Muammar’s looking for a spot to pitch a tent.
What is with all these townhall
meetings that have arisen recently.Don’t politicians have
any ideas of their own?Or is it
merely appeasement a la Soviet
style brainwashing techniques.
Let people blow off steam and
they’ll screw the people in the dark…..The peasants are
idiots anyway.
Turns out Pallone’s shindig was last night. A friend went there early and listened to some remarks. People were bused in from out of county and state. They had professionally made signs. He told me a couple of people were saying how they were going to disrupt anyone who spoke against Pallone. Expect the same at Holt’s tonight.
Speech is free… for me, not for thee. And how darest thee t’speak against the Magistrate and His Free health-care Planne! A witch! A witch!
I feel bad for the poor who have no voice. To be honest, I don’t know how we can call these town-hall meetings democratic, considering the whole issue is about 50 Million people who, for lack of a better word, have been disenfranchised by the health industry. To put that in perspective: just over 50 million people voted Bush into office his second term. Don’t get me wrong, over the last eight years I have seen what the government can do with too much power; however, I know way too many families suffering from lack of insurance, or out of control premiums. How can a country consider itself #1, if it is willing to ignore the problems of its citizens, especially their need for medical treatment? I believe in the free market, I just don’t understand how health care can be viewed as a commodity. If we, as a country, can fund killing people, than we, as a country, can fund helping people. Besides, I know its separation of church and state, but I must refer to my religion on this one and ask: What would Jesus do? I think we all, even if we try to deny it, know the answer to that question. Instead of all this racket, lets fix the problem, and move on…Too many people are excited about ruining this bill, and the president, while too many people – the ones in need of our help – are being forgotten. To be quite honest, I am also surprised that the upper middle-class, and seniors receiving govt. health insurance, are the ones perpetuating the madness. Today, as I went to get my brakes fixed, I saw a middle-aged man holding a caricature of Barack Obama with a Hitler mustache! My Grandfather, R.I.P., fought to remove that genocidal madman from power, and now adult Americans hold signs comparing our leader to him?! TASTELESS AND IGNORANT!! I can only hope that these individuals take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, and realize how cruel and unjust they have behaved. Its 2009 and adults are clamoring to hatred, even with all the tools we have to do good. Even if this bill gets voted down, we are still going to have to work together to fix the health care problem. We must remember that we are only as strong as our weakest links, and we are letting those 50 million links get weaker everyday. Lets fix the problem, not add to it.
terry, there is a difference between insurance and having all medical bills covered. And yes, health care is a commodity because the supply is limited and the demand is virtually inexhaustible. Someone, somewhere has to pay the bills.
This month’s Atlantic has an article proposing that every American be provided with catastrophic health insurance beginning after, say, 50K of medical expenses. In the meantime, everyone would have tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts for predictable medical bills (annual physicals, pregnancies, etc.) After all, you don’t expect your car insurance to pay for your gas, or your home insurance to pay your electric bill, so why should your medical insurance pay for your kids’ shots or your annual physical or your birth control? This plan would ensure that no one would go bankrupt because of long-term or catastrophic illness; yet it would force people to take some responsibility and make some asset allocation choices. If people can take out 30-40K in consumer debt to pay for cars and TVs, they can afford a lot of their own medical care too.
Dear Terry: I agree with you,but
if we didn’t have twenty million
illegals flooding and overwhelming our public services,health care would take
a different course.We all pay
for their children and them.It
throws off everything.It is
like having everyone from Sweden, Denmark,Finland and Norway on public insurance..
Don’t know if you caught this posting on a fairly well-known site, but in case you didn’t, have a wander across and have a look at what one Montana resident thinks of ‘accessible Government’ as delivered by the Obama camp!