I Hope McCabe’s Alibi Is Good
Vardan Kushnir, notorious for sending spam to each and every citizen of Russia who appeared to have an e-mail, was found dead in his Moscow apartment on Sunday, Interfax reported Monday. He died after suffering repeated blows to the head.
Of course, I would have expected Bill to use some type of dull katana…
Well that’s a stupid headline. It’s only murder if it’s not justifiable.
Computer use in the USSR blossomed in the later days of Perestroika. In those days the only commercial types were ex- or current Mafia. Given their early penetration of that industry, I’d wager a guess that they remain big players today. See where I’m going with this?
Now all we need to do is encourage the Gambino family to invest in a few ISPs and blog hosting sites, and this spam mess should clean itself up by Wednesday next.
So you’re thinking us Joisy bloggers should ‘agree’ to carry ads for trash hauling services, for our own protection, of course…
Sorry, make that “sanitation engineer consultants”.
Well, a few banner ads for sanitation engineers in return for “waste disposal consulting” re. the spammers. If ya want to dance with the Devil, that is.
Every discussion invariably returns to The Breakfast Club
JOHN BENDER: Carl, how does one become a janitor?
CARL THE JANITOR: You wanna’ become a janitor?
JOHN: No, I’d just like to know how one becomes a janitor, because, you see, Andrew here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts.
I was in New York City on Saturday night at Steve Silver’s birthday party.
I am completely innocent, though I applaud the man who delivered justice to this spammer.
Good Luck, Discovery! I want to see a NASA launch some day in person. It will probably have to wait until I retire because they are sure to postpone it should I just take a week off. I remember watching them as a kid. The sense of awe has never left bu…