And The Pressure Drops Some More
11:00 AM EDT Mon Oct 29
Location: 37.5°N 71.5°W
Moving: NNW at 18 mph
Min pressure: 943 mb
Max sustained: 90 mph
Why oh why did the weatherman choose this to be the time they were actually right?
11:00 AM EDT Mon Oct 29
Location: 37.5°N 71.5°W
Moving: NNW at 18 mph
Min pressure: 943 mb
Max sustained: 90 mph
Why oh why did the weatherman choose this to be the time they were actually right?
Big Blows, Fun | Mr. Bingley |
October 29, 2012 10:46 am
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Down here in Ocean City Md there has been some flooding during the high tide (around 6am) on the bayside of the city. On the ocean side the waves reached across the beach and crashed to the top of the 8ft high concrete wall separating the beach from the Boardwalk. Here is a link to the trafficam on the US 50 drawbridge heading into Ocean City:
Thanks bob! be careful there, you guys are really gonna get a thumpin’ too later today!
wow. look at that camera rattling in the wind!
The wind has shifted and is coming out of the west now and is flooding bayside as can be seen here:
(scroll down and hit there webcam link and compare their sunny picture to reality)
When Sandy gets closer the surge will come over the wall and swamp the ocean side of the town.
“Why oh why did the weatherman choose this to be the time they were actually right?”
Broken clock, twice a day…..
boballab! Hey! How’d you guys do?
The city had some bad flooding and lost power, but the city government (unlike an unamed NJ city) had planned properly and is recovering. Turned out the area I live in on the other side of the bay was an island of electricity and no flooding.
However just down the way in Chicoteague they got hammered with flooding. The good thing is that it would have been worse if they were not sheltered by Assateague Island. The sad part is, we still do not have any word on how many of the wild ponies still live. For those that don’t know Assateague Island is home to a couple herds of wild ponies that are decedents of ones brought to America by the Spaniards. The most famous of the ponies is known as Misty of Chicoteague and is the title character in a well known children’s book.