As If a Baker’s Dozen of Perezes Weren’t Enough
You gotta have some luck with who’s asking the questions you can’t answer…
SAN DIEGO (AP) – At first glance, the white van seemed full of clean-cut Marines in uniform – not necessarily an unusual sight near the Border Patrol’s desert checkpoint along Interstate 8.
But a plainclothes Border Patrol agent who had served in the Marine Corps wasn’t fooled, especially when the driver didn’t know the birthday of the Marine Corps – something every Marine is taught.
Ah, the adventures of the Perez Brigade.
They wanna be Marines? Couple tours of the brig at Parris Island should cure that.
I’d deliver them to the brig at Pendleton.
They want to be Marines? Sure, there’s this nice little spot called MCRD San Diego where they could get a taste of it.
Next time, guys, try the Navy, hmmmm?