As If a Baker’s Dozen of Perezes Weren’t Enough

You gotta have some luck with who’s asking the questions you can’t answer…

SAN DIEGO (AP) – At first glance, the white van seemed full of clean-cut Marines in uniform – not necessarily an unusual sight near the Border Patrol’s desert checkpoint along Interstate 8.

But a plainclothes Border Patrol agent who had served in the Marine Corps wasn’t fooled, especially when the driver didn’t know the birthday of the Marine Corps – something every Marine is taught.

5 Responses to “As If a Baker’s Dozen of Perezes Weren’t Enough”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Ah, the adventures of the Perez Brigade.

  2. Gary from Jersey says:

    They wanna be Marines? Couple tours of the brig at Parris Island should cure that.

  3. mojo says:

    I’d deliver them to the brig at Pendleton.

  4. major dad says:

    They want to be Marines? Sure, there’s this nice little spot called MCRD San Diego where they could get a taste of it.

  5. JeffS says:

    Next time, guys, try the Navy, hmmmm?

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