Brussel Spouts
Water. When you’re thirsty it’s what you drink. Why, Science even has a fancy term for being without water. They call it “dehydrated.”
And when you drink water, and I have this information direct from Very Top Scientists, you re-hydrate yourself.
Unless you live in Europe
THE EU was ridiculed last night after it took three years to issue a new rule that water cannot be sold as healthy.
In a scarcely believable ruling, a panel of experts threw out a claim that regular water consumption is the best way to rehydrate the body.
The bizarre diktat from Brussels has far-reaching implications for member states, including Britain, as no water sold in the EU can now claim to protect against dehydration.
…German professors Dr Moritz Hagenmeyer and Dr Andreas Hahn, of the Institute for Food Science and Human Nutrition at Hanover Leibniz University, applied for approval for the seemingly uncontentious claim that “regular consumption of significant amounts of water can reduce the risk of development of dehydration”. However, bureaucrats refused to back them.
After a meeting in Italy a delegation of scientists concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration rather than a risk factor that drinking water could control. Now their verdict has been turned into a regulation that will become UK law by December 6 and is bound to send shockwaves through the soft drinks industry.
This is the road the Big Government folks want to take us down.
This farcical sentence is worth reading again:
After a meeting in Italy a delegation of scientists concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration rather than a risk factor that drinking water could control.
Reduced water content in the body, called by us Commoners “dehydration”, is actually but a symptom of…itself.
Good god.
Stupid euro weenies…
“Thirsty? Here, have a Coke. Couldn’t hurt.”
And yet, whenever people talk about stupid anti-science gummint, they use the oft-disgraced claim that some Southern legislator wanted to make pi = 3 by law. Ig’nant rednecks!!1!2!
**I’m** a scientist and what those people are saying makes no sense to me.
They’re saying people cannot control their own level of hydration by drinking water? What, they need someone from the government to help them with that?
I want to thank the sovereign nation of Euro for letting me know that the decades I have spent quenching my thirst with water have all been for nought. I simply didn’t know I’ve been thirsty all this time.
Luckily I’m flying to the U.S. tomorrow and will happily quench my thirst with some crisp, flouridated tap water. Bingley’s box wine is safe since I won’t be in NJ but poor Dad’s wine cellar is definitely not safe.
Ave, I’m sure Mr. Bingley will spend the weekend trying to prove this EU ruling correct.
“Water? We doan need no steenkin’ water!!!!“