“Can I Hug You?”
“I’m so happy you’re safe!“
The KHOU reporter who saw a semi-truck stalled in rising water in a spot where, the year before, another truck driver had drowned in his stalled truck, flagged down a passing sheriff’s truck and boat to save the day.
Incredible, watch as @BrandiKHOU flags down a rescue boat on-air, saving this truck driver's life https://t.co/EVvNbdt13k pic.twitter.com/3mYi9McniB
— Hayley Jones (@meetmissjoness) August 27, 2017
Their signal was lost right after the sheriffs starting putting their boat in the water. This is what happened:
Houston, wet or dry, you must be quite a city, judging by the quality of people you have there.
Thanks – that was worth the time to watch.
kudos to that reporter. She proves that they’re not all snakes.