Category: Politics

When She Heard the Syrian Attack

…used Tomahawks.


Ad Astra and Semper Fi

God speed, John Glenn.

What A Weaselly Pile Of Poop

Seriously. So the Chair of the Richmond Fed, a guy making $350k per year, disclosed some confidential information to a hedge fund in 2012. And then lied about it repeatedly.

But it’s OK because, well, in his own words

Statement Of Dr. Jeffrey Lacker

During the past 13 years it has been my privilege to serve as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. It has also been an honor to contribute to the development of our nation’s monetary policy as a member of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (“FOMC”).

While transparency of the monetary policy process is important, equally important are the confidentiality policies that protect the internal deliberations of the FOMC and ensure the integrity of our financial markets. The Federal Reserve’s confidentiality policies seek to guide participants in maintaining the balance between transparency and confidentiality. The FOMC has had in place for many years two specific policies relating to confidentiality. the FOMC Policy on External Communications of Committee Participants (the “External Communications Policy-) and the Program for Security of FOMC Information (the “Information Security Policy”).

In 2012, my conduct was inconsistent with those important confidentiality policies. Specifically, on October 2, 2012, I spoke by phone with an analyst (“the Analyst”) concerning the September 2012 meeting of the FOMC. The Analyst authors reports on Federal Reserve matters on behalf of Medley Global Advisors (“Medley’). Medley publishes macro-economic policy intelligence for institutions such as hedge funds and asset managers and is owned by the Financial Times Limited.

During that October 2, 2012 discussion, the Analyst introduced into the conversation an important non-public detail about one of the policy options considered by participants prior to the meeting. Due to the highly confidential and sensitive nature of this information, I should have declined to comment and perhaps have ended the phone call. Instead, I did not refuse or express my inability to comment and the interview continued. Additionally, after that phone call I did not, as required by the Information Security Policy, report to any FOMC personnel that the Analyst was in possession of confidential FOMC information. When Medley published a report by the Analyst the following day, October 3, 2012, it contained this important detail about one of the policy options and I realized that my failure to decline comment on the information could have been taken by the Analyst, in the context of the conversation, as an acknowledgment or confirmation of the information.

I deeply regret the role I may have played in confirming this confidential information and in its dissemination to Medley’s subscribers. In this episode, as in all of my communications with analysts, journalists and the public, it was never my intention to reveal confidential information. I further acknowledge that through this and other conversations with the Analyst, I may have contravened the External Communications Policy, which prohibits providing any profit-making person or organization with a prestige advantage over its competitors.

Following these events, I was interviewed on December 10, 2012, as part of an internal review conducted by the General Counsel of the FOMC. In advance of that interview, on December 6, 2012, I provided written responses to a questionnaire issued by the General Counsel seeking, among other things, all relevant information regarding my communications with the Analyst. Although it was my intention to cooperate fully with the internal review, I regret that I did not disclose to the General Counsel, either in my December 6, 2012 questionnaire or the December 10, 2012 interview, that the Analyst was in possession of confidential information during my conversation with her on October 2,2012.

See, that’s all that matters for our Betters, that they intend to be truthful.

The fact that they all lie like a bunch of bloodsucking scum is irrelevant.

Hey, here’s a fun fact: did you know that the Federal Reserve spent $1.6 billion dollars of your money in 2012 on…salaries?


They’re for suckers like you and me.

So…Something IS Rotten in


Whoda thunk it? Doop dee doop dee fishy chowder was fur reelz.

Mind you, møøslim apologyst bites Kan be pretti nasti.

Sweden Democrats: Trump was right

Two leading Swedish politicians have a message for President Trump’s critics: He’s right.

Per Jimmie Akesson and Mattias Karlsson, both leaders of the Sweden Democrats, penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday supporting Trump’s characterization of a Muslim immigrant-led crime crisis in Sweden.

“Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems,” Akesson and Karlsson wrote. “If anything, he understated them.”

Trump was ridiculed by many after he gave a speech Saturday citing Sweden among a list of European countries affected by the scourge of Islamic terror. Referring to the massive number of Middle Eastern refugees that have poured into the country, Trump said Sweden was “having problems like they never thought possible.” Some Swedish politicians openly derided Trump’s portrayal of the country – but riots in a heavily immigrant suburb of Stockholm on Monday evening put an end to most of the mockery.

Well I Have To At Least Give Them Credit For Honesty

Romania decriminalizes some government graft

Romania’s new leftist government late on Tuesday decriminalized a number of graft offences including some abuse-of-power cases in the ex-communist state’s biggest retreat on anti-corruption reforms since it joined the European Union a decade ago.

…Romania is one of Europe’s most corrupt states, with graft rife in state administration and many areas of public life. Efforts to stamp out abuse have accelerated over the past four years.

Prosecutors have indicted nearly 2,000 people in cases involving abuse of power that have caused damages totaling up to 1 billion euros in the past three years.

…Several leading politicians are under investigation or on trial in abuse-of-power cases, including the leader of the ruling Social Democrats and lower house Speaker Liviu Dragnea.

The emergency decree – which takes effect immediately – would decriminalize some offences, including abuse of power causing financial damage of less than 200,000 lei ($48,000).

So the government officials now give themselves leave to abuse their power to steal up to $48,000 from you with no consquences.

I imagine $48k goes quite a long way in Romania…which has an average annual salary of $6,600.

Graft: it’s what governments do.

Their Headgear Was Also Functional

God bless them, EVERY one.

I Hadn’t Seen Ashley Judd’s SLIGHTLY WHACKO Women’s March Performance

…until this morning.

Now that I HAVE (and I’ll share with you 😀 )…

…I knew EXACTLY who she was channeling and see if you don’t agree with me.

Large. Marge.



So the New Guy in the Oval Office

…has been a busy bee this morning…

Rep. Bradley Byrne ?@RepByrne 21m21 minutes ago
President Trump just took 3 major steps: (1) withdrawal from #TPP, (2) federal hiring freeze, and (3) restored #ProLife Mexico City policy.

FYI: “Mexico City Policy” ~

The Mexico City Policy is an intermittent United States government policy that required all foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive federal funding to refrain from performing or promoting abortion services as a method of family planning with non-U.S. government funds in other countries.

So the guy’s humming right along and sure looks like he’s keeping some promises right off the bat.

Not a bad start for a first full day. Here’s hopin’.

End of an Error

Here’s hoping for much better and that he lives up to the trust placed in him.



Left Suddenly Not So Hot on Police Accountability


Why DC Police Body Cameras Will Be Off as Officers Monitor Inauguration Protests

All D.C. cops have body cameras. All D.C. cops’ body cameras WILL BE OFF on Inauguration Day unless they have to arrest someone. At THAT point ~ the actual arrest ~ they can turn their camera ON.

Suddenly protesters on the Left are all worried about THEIR “constitutional rights” and, far from demanding police keep the cameras rolling to prove the police action side of the story, they’re ALL WORRIED about having THEIR OWN ACTIONS caught on camera.

They’re in public. They have no right to privacy, as they’ve so often reminded the various police departments across the country who’ve tried to impede citizens taking video from a sidewalk, as well as their DEMANDING WORKING body cams on EVERY cop in the US.

WHO protects the police against spurious and malicious complaints of violence and excessive force? Where is the police union?

Feel The Awesome Power

It’s serious now.
They’ve brought out The Chalk

I Know Trump Is Supposed to Be the “Fuzzy” One

…one matters of the Constitution, but the Pennsylvania Avenue Pedant sure wants to give him a run for his imperial money. Take a gander at what the CURRENT EIGHT YEAR OCCUPANT of the White House had to say to a group of servicemen at MacDill about their duties as members of the Armed Forces of the United States:

…During the speech, President Obama wanted to remind the troops that they had the right and the duty to protest President-elect Trump once he takes office. He said he wanted to remind them “that each of us has…the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that’s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution.

I’m sure the whole “run your mouth about the Commander-in-Chief” part will be a NEWS FLASH to the folks in the audience and a revelation to members already severely sanctioned for having unwisely done EXACTLY that about OBAMA, while representing themselves AS active duty military members.


Ben Stein on the post-election atmosphere: They’ve Gone Insane

I just don’t get it. People are going insane about Donald Trump being president-elect. It’s beyond the wildest anger and fear I saw even about Richard Nixon, my hero. And, as I say, I just cannot see it.

For example, this morning, I got several emails from men who had been my friends since high school. “America is going through its worst days ever,” said one letter. “We’re going to lose everything,” said another.

It gets even worse. A dear old friend — a woman who has been my close friend since the mid 1970s, a woman who never even liked Hillary Clinton much — has simply refused to speak to me since election night. Her daughter, the wife of a wealthy real estate developer, sent me hate mail election night, when she learned I had reluctantly voted for Mr. Trump.

Why are people so upset? What has Mr. Trump done that’s so awful? His choices for the Cabinet fall well within the range of the usual types — Wall Street, campaign helpers, ideological bedfellows. Despite what you may have read online, none of them has made horrible statements. None is a Klansman. None is a Nazi. They have different views from those of the ACLU, but that’s what you get in a free country.

The voters voted in a candidate with certain views. That candidate won fair and square. He gets to choose people he agrees with and who agree with him.

I have a ton of friends on Facebook, etc., and I look at what they are posting and I just shake my head in disbelief. Of course, I don’t respond and really never get involved in political craziness on FB because, well, a) it’s just pathetic how carried away people allow themselves to get when they’re not sitting in the same room with someone who has the temerity to maybe kinda sorta have a different opinion on things, and b) well as a conservative I’m just schtupid and should really just shut up for my own and Society’s Good.

And they STILL wonder why they lost.

Update: Here’s an example. The Left is screaming that “ZOMG Trump supporters boo John Glenn”

Take a listen. There’s definitely some booing when Trump mentions Mercury, but it seems to me Trump doesn’t consider these folks supporters.

75 Years

75 years ago we were taught a very important lesson, that an enemy can strike us anytime, anywhere.

And now I guess there’s some sort of kerfluffle because Abe won’t “apologize” during his historic trip to Pearl

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won’t apologize for Japan’s attack when he visits the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor later this month, the government spokesman said Tuesday.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that “the purpose of the upcoming visit is to pay respects for the war dead and not to offer an apology.”

Abe announced late Monday that he would have a summit meeting with President Barack Obama in Hawaii and visit Pearl Harbor. He will be the first Japanese leader to go to the site of the Japanese attack that propelled the United States into World War II.

Why should he? I sure as hell don’t want the US to apologize for attacks we made. It was a war. They made a calculated decision that by striking first they could knock us out.

Happily we were very very lucky and they were mistaken.

Here’s A Headline You Don’t See Everyday

“Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist”

Someone has, ummmm, “issues”

Ding, Dong

The son of a bitch is DEAD.

Hardest hit?

Jimmy Carter and Justin Trudeau…you’re shocked, right?

And media people are bemoaning our President-elect’s “lack” of diplomacy in HIS Fidel’s demise tweet, where I think it’s perfectly succinct and appropriate for the moment:

SWEET! Let’s pray vile brother Raul takes a sudden sharp turn towards the Cuba Libre, shall we?

This Is What Happens

…when children who got trophies JUST FOR BEING ON A TEAM grow up.
They turn into a transitioning White House staff America can be proud of.
Or they’re in the street with #StompyFeet because #Election #Sadz

“Find Hillary”


If You Haven’t Already

…then today’s the day.


DAMN, it’s gonna be a long night…I HOPE. 😀

Signs Of The Times

or “lack there of” actually.

I hate this election, I really really do.

As has been obvious I haven’t been posting much at all just because I am so disgusted and dispirited by everything attached to and associated with it, and I know I’m not alone in this feeling. Here in Deep Blue New Jersey as I drive around I see hundreds of signs advocating various candidates for various local offices…but interestingly none for the Presidential candidates; and by “none” I do mean none. Thinking back on years past when the yards were festooned with “Gore” and “Obama” and “Bush” signs it is shocking to drive around and see no Trump or Hillary signs; and the lack of Hillary signs is especially so here in New Jersey (and frankly should be very troubling for her and her Party).

There is ONE sign in my town with her name on it, and it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement:


I’m writing in my Bride’s name on my ballot.

Oh Fer Gawd’s Sake

This is just beyond stupid

Save the Children Report on Girls Ranks U.S. 32nd Out of 144 Countries

The United States has finished behind countries including Algeria and Kazakhstan in a new ranking of the best and worst countries in which to be a girl.

The report compiled by Save the Children suggested Sweden was the best place for young females to live. Niger finished at the bottom. The U.S. was rated 32nd on the 144-country list.

Not all rich countries are doing as well as they could for their girls, according to the non-governmental organization. It singled out the U.S. in particular.

“There are things where we do not shine on the U.S. side,” said Carolyn Miles, president and CEO of Save the Children. One major example she pointed to was female representation in national government.

I cordially invite Emma and her cohorts to move to Algeria and Kazakhstan and enjoy the glorious life for women there.



Like We Need Another Governor Goldman Sachs

…since the last one turned out so well

Five years after MF Global’s collapse after big, levered bets on European bonds blew up leaving a $1.6 billion shortfall in customer funds, WSJ reports former New Jersey Gov. and Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine is nearing a deal to pay $5 million to end a U.S. regulator’s lawsuit.

Ending what The Wall Street Journal calls a long and messy chapter in a four-decade career which touched the pinnacles of Wall Street and politics…

Mr. Corzine reached the tentative settlement with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in June, submitting to a ban from trading client money in commodities and others assets regulated by the commission, the people said. A final deal has been on hold as the commission negotiates a resolution to its case against another former executive at MF Global, the people said. The terms may still shift ahead of a final deal, several people said.

And the Dems are all set to select another Goldman alum for our next Gov.

“We Should Have the Courage to Tell Them You Can Vote Again…”

Until you get it RIGHT, he means. Nigel Farage has a message for those guys:

The Foundation is on Solid Ground

…as far as certain DONORS are concerned.
Now go away.

Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors
AG who could force transparency chooses not to

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has the power to force the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to publicly disclose the names of foreign governments and the millions they donate each year to the charities but he’s not doing it, a Scripps News investigation has found.

Schneiderman’s failure to require compliance with New York law and written instructions from his own office keeps the public in the dark about whether the foreign governments that gave money to the Clinton charities also had special access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, experts in private foundation law say. New York state has long required more transparency from non-profits operating within its borders than many other regulators.

A Scripps Washington Bureau review of tax returns and regulatory filings found that year after year the Clinton charities have ignored New York law and related instructions. However, the office of Attorney General Schneiderman, a Democrat whom Hillary Clinton named to her campaign’s “leadership council” in New York, did not respond to Scripps’ questions about the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which has never publicly disclosed in New York filings the identity of its foreign government contributors or the amounts they give each year. Scripps also discovered CHAI did not report hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign government donations to the state.

However, Schneiderman’s office said it considers the Clinton Foundation, which is a separate charity, “in step” with state rules.

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