Dear Nice Young Man With the Camera: When Nasty Old BIT~Chez Are Brazenly Removing YOUR Family’s Belongings From the Beach

…and then commence to threaten and slap the camera from your hand, YOU PRESS CHARGES, OKAY?

No charges are expected against two women who were caught on camera apparently trying to steal items from a Florida beach, police said Monday.

A man, who identifies himself as “Flicky Rich” on YouTube, caught the whole thing on camera. He confronted the females who attempt to take his canopy from the beach.

In just three days, the video has more than 1 million hits on YouTube


One Response to “Dear Nice Young Man With the Camera: When Nasty Old BIT~Chez Are Brazenly Removing YOUR Family’s Belongings From the Beach”

  1. Syd B. says:

    Lucky for them that they’re so cute.

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