El Mayoro Bloombito Gets Dishy With the Full Moon
Yo me gusta el mooño! Por que esta close to nosotros. (Pero not as que mucho as el spooño)
— Miguel Bloombito (@ElBloombito) January 27, 2013
Yo me gusta el mooño! Por que esta close to nosotros. (Pero not as que mucho as el spooño)
— Miguel Bloombito (@ElBloombito) January 27, 2013
Fun | tree hugging sister |
January 26, 2013 7:15 pm
The Coalition Of The Swilling is powered by WordPress
ROFl – will you quit with the spanglish – I can ALMOST understand it. And I keep hoping I don’t…
Oh but I just read some of that feed. If the Emperor of NYC is reading that…ROFLMAO! I doubt it, but I wish he would.
“El Super Bowlo esta goingo to be heldo en Nuevo Jerseyo en 2014, pero yo pretendingo esta Newo Yorko. Does Nuevo Jerseyo tiene un mayoro?”
I think Christie could sub.
OK – I’ve bookmarked that feed (I know you’ve linked it before but…I’ve been reading this time.)
And, no, I am not on, nor will ever be _on_ twitter. But I’ve got the url.