Filed Under “Don’t Worry, We’re SAVED”: Those Selfless, Courageous Warriors for the Rights of Men

…have fast-roped their technical relief teams into…

Yup. Ferguson.

I guess it’s easier to pronounce than “Yazidi” and the motels are better.

6 Responses to “Filed Under “Don’t Worry, We’re SAVED”: Those Selfless, Courageous Warriors for the Rights of Men”

  1. aelfheld says:

    Those ineffectual tedious scolds are still around?

  2. nightfly says:

    It’ always easier to criticize people who won’t behead you if they catch you.

  3. Gunslinger says:

    Scamnesty International, when the going get tough they hide under their beds and criticize America.

  4. JeffS says:

    Here’s a video of Amnesty International in action, fearlessly facing down an evil tyrant!!!!!

  5. Syd B. says:

    I can see Liberal heads exploding from my front yard.

    Let’s not pretend our morgues are full of black men because of cops – YouTube


  6. JeffS says:

    That explains all of the messes on my way to work this morning, Syd.

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