Funny How You Don’t Hear Anything About “Trump In Bed With Foreigners To Hack Election” Anymore
I can’t imagine the reason why the MSM has lost interest.
I can’t imagine the reason why the MSM has lost interest.
Makes Ya Barf, Media, Morality, Politics | Mr. Bingley | April 20, 2017 7:22 am
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Yeah, funny dat.
Pure coincidence I’m sure.
LOL. Reminds me of an old kid-chant “I’m rubber, you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
I find it quite humorous that every time the flavor of the day Liberal Trump scandal fails, to fill the gap until they invent the next one, the fall back is “where’s his tax returns?” Its like when you’re put on hold with the cable company, they play music to fill the blank.