Happy Birthday THS!!!!
180 years ago the Alamo fell and shortly thereafter the Bestest Sister EVUH was born!!
We lurves you!
180 years ago the Alamo fell and shortly thereafter the Bestest Sister EVUH was born!!
We lurves you!
Fun, People | Mr. Bingley |
March 6, 2016 10:43 am
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Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday THS!
Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
THS, May your wrinkles be small and your smile so big it hurts. Have a wonderful day.
Happy B-Day THS!
Happy belated Birthday, THS!
“Shortly thereafter” … deathwish much? … 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday, THS … 🙂
(A tad belated but no less heartfelt) Happy Birthday!
And a tad belated THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 😀 I have had my head buried in so much campaign folderol for the past two weeks, I’ve hardly had a chance to breathe, less mind spend time in my favorite places. Adore you ALL (Bingley excepted)(but he knew that)!