His Sexy Online Name Is #DiegoCovert. We All Know Him As…

major dad

Get your OWN sexy, texty online name with Slate’s KICK-ASS Weiner Widget.

You’ll be GLAD you did. Grrrrr.

Cesar Clandestine

9 Responses to “His Sexy Online Name Is #DiegoCovert. We All Know Him As…”

  1. JeffS says:

    “José Hazard” for me!

    Or should that be #JoséHazard? I don’t twitter, so I don’t know the protocols.

  2. kcruella says:

    Armando Catastrophe

  3. Gunslinger says:

    Benito Catastrophe checking in.

  4. tree hugging sister says:

    We are amassing a cadre of “mysteriosos” WORTHY of the name!

    (Remember what they were for next time we go out, Kcruella…)

  5. kcruella says:

    Now is there a reverse widget? Would hate for someone to find out my true identity

  6. Julie says:

    Hola! My name is Trouble – Rolando Trouble.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    Buenas dias, #Rolando !

    Your secret is safe with us…

  8. Dr Alice says:

    Marcelino Distress.

  9. OregonGuy says:

    Javier Violence.

    And my middle name is Rico.

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