Hurricane Sandy In Pictures and Video #1
Big Blows, Life | tree hugging sister |
October 31, 2012 4:05 pm
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For those of us who have never been there, here are some before-and-after photos. Heartbreaking.
If anyone you know needs help with storm cleanup. Team Rubicon has teams ready to go. They have a form so go here:
Prayers up and good thoughts headed out for those recovering from the storm.
That was a big destructive storm.I hope all you guys are okay.
Even the HMS Bounty-replica
of the original- sank off Carolina.I was on that ship back ‘in like’ 1995.
Good luck on the East Coast,
we’re all hoping you’re okay..
The sad thing is, is that the coastal communities of the Northeast, for the most part, have not prepared for this even though they had been warned this would happen:
Here is more evidence. Take a look at these pictures from almost 80 years ago from the Great 1933 hurricane and the damage it did to Ocean City Md. and compare it to todays pics of NJ towns:,0,6378003.photogallery
They are eerily similar in what they show. If the destruction is similar it looks like those towns relied on the same preparations from 1933: basically none.
Also here is a series of shots from my neck of the woods this time:
(Warning there is duplicates half way through but new ones after them)
It has been rather unsettling for me, watching this travesty unfold in front of my eyes. Many news stories come and go, but this one is of such magnitude, I can’t help but feel emotionally for the victims of this tragedy. I have several friends in New York and N.J., and all but a few have experienced losses. One fellow, in particular, just retired, sold his home and was 80% finished with the construction of his new retirement home. It was destroyed and he didn’t have the right insurance. His retirement years will be different than he had planned. Very sad.
Don’t want to look. Used to spend my summers on Beach Haven (part of the Jersey shore) – many long years ago. Oddly enough, we started going there in 1961 – the year after hurricane Donna zapped Long Beach Island.
Live on a barrier island? LEAVE (unless you want to leave your property to descendents you hate…) It may take 50+ years, but you’ll get it…
P.S. I know they won’t listen. They never have. And we get to rescue them. Sorry. I SAW (as a very very young child) what was left of Long Beach Island after Donna.
But, oh, yeah, they rebuilt – great tourist spot (and I agree – I really enjoyed my time there in the summers as a child). Can’t happen again. WRONG. Dammit, get out. Put up tents or something for the summer – but get the heck out. Barrier islands have there name for a reason. They protect the mainland by taking THE MAJORITY OF THE DAMAGE.
Sigh. /rant off–or maybe not.
Captiva and Sanibel down here won’t listen to me either. Even though, post-Charley, there are now 2 Captivas – north and south; Charley having taken a large bite right out of the middle. But no, it can’t happen again… sigh.