“I Am Not Spending a Trillion Dollars”
Barack Obama, Super Genius Commander-in-Chief.
First time for everything and a “man” has got to know his limitations.
Feh. It’s only the military.
What warz?
Barack Obama, Super Genius Commander-in-Chief.
First time for everything and a “man” has got to know his limitations.
Feh. It’s only the military.
What warz?
Makes Ya Barf, Military Thingies, People, Politics | tree hugging sister | September 22, 2010 8:28 am
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“Bahwock” That’s cute. Sounds like one of those cute little guys in the Star Wars movies. If only he were that benign, alas.
“I Am Not Spending a Trillion Dollars”
…unless it for paying off all the unions that helped me get elected.
They need to be careful of violating the UCMJ.
Oh, never mind, it looks like a photo shop.
It is.