I Feel Awful For His Family

And the people in his group who had to witness this but, seriously, all I can say is WTF was he thinking?

Authorities at Yosemite National Park were searching for a 19-year-old man who was swept over the edge of Nevada Fall on Saturday afternoon.

Aleh Kalman of Sacramento was witnessed swimming above the 594-foot waterfall, about 150 feet from the precipice, when a strong current swept him to the edge of the fall shortly before 3 p.m. Saturday, officials said. The man, who was hiking the Mist Trail with a church group, was trying to swim to shore from a rock in the middle of the river, officials said.

It what universe was this possibly a good idea?

11 Responses to “I Feel Awful For His Family”

  1. mojo says:

    Think of it as “evolution in action”.

  2. JeffS says:

    Alas, I must agree with mojo. The man is a contender for the Darwin Award.

  3. leelu says:


    And the universe in question is the one where gravity is optional.

    City kids with no wilderness experience, regardless of age, should be in harnesses.

  4. Skyler says:

    It’s a pretty heavy penalty for an error in judgment. I’ve made much worse decisions in my life.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Oh I’ve made lots of bad decisions too Skyler, but to go swimming in a heavily flowing river 150′ above a 600′ drop?

  6. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Darwin Award nominee.

  7. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Yeah – I’ve made stupid decisions too, Skyler – all of us have. But NOT that stupid.

  8. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @skyler PS – you couldn’t have made worse or you wouldn’t likely have posted what I’m responding to.

  9. leelu says:

    Now, they’ll divert the river to remove the falls, so that it can’t happen again.

    Hey, it’s California!!

  10. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @leelu ROFL – you’ve got that right. (I laugh because I must not cry.)

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