I Guess It’s Over

Yogi Berra has died.

5 Responses to “I Guess It’s Over”

  1. gregor says:

    When my sister was about ten or so, my father send a birthday card with a return envelope to Yogi’s attention at Yankee Stadium, asking him to please sign it and send it back, as she was obsessed with him and his biggest fan. He did so, and send along a whole box of Yankee stuff, including game day programs signed by the whole team, including Maris and Mantle. Quite a guy, from a time when ballplayers were a lot different than now.
    I hope he rests in well deserved peace.

  2. leelu says:

    I loved his malaprops: “You can observe a lot just by watching”, or “Half of this game is 90% mental”.

  3. gregor says:

    I have no idea why “sent” translated to “send” in my comment above. Freaking iPhone auto correct crap…

  4. Kathy Kinsley says:

    “Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.”

    I hope you have a grand crowd to greet you in heaven, sir.


  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    gregor that is such an awesome story.

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