I Want to Brag on the AirForce’s Newest, Shiniest Staff Sergeant!

His name just happens to be “Ebola” and he managed to get selected for the lofty rank of E-5 in a shade over 3 years. Being so junior, it took ten months from the list coming out until yesterday, when those FANTASTIC STRIPES when on.

That’s OUR RatBoy ~ yes, it is.

12 Responses to “I Want to Brag on the AirForce’s Newest, Shiniest Staff Sergeant!”

  1. NJSue says:


  2. Julie says:

    That’s wonderful! But not surprising, considering he has awesome parents. 🙂

  3. JeffS says:

    Congratulations, SGT Ebola!

    Now spend that pay raise on beer for your buddies!

  4. Kathy Kinsley says:

    YEE HAW! sorry… my midwest heritage kicking in there. Congrats!

  5. BlackDog says:

    Congratulations! Definitely buy a round at the NCO Club. AF NCO Clubs are always better than the O Clubs. [After all, this is where CMSgt hang out; instead of some mere generals]

  6. Skyler says:


  7. nightfly says:

    Good times! Congrats, Sgt Ebola. Also – thank you.

  8. Ebola says:

    Thanks all!

  9. Kate P says:

    Yay! Congratulations!

  10. Fausta says:

    Hooray! Congratulations!

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