I Would Just Like to Point Out to My Pissanty Little Brother That Norf Cacklelackey Governor Beverly Perdue
…has been remarkably consistent in her support for suspensions of ALL sorts of constitutional rights, contrary to his snotty, “droppin’ the g’s”, elitest, racist assertions.
Why, do tell, I remember just last few weeks past, a headline with her, “rights” and “suspends” in it…
North Carolina governor suspends gun rights
State of emergency order makes criminals of concealed handgun permit-holders, sport shooters and hunters.
[Raleigh] Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed Executive Order No. 62, declaring a State of Emergency in advance of Hurricane Earle. In doing so, Perdue suspended the right of state residents to use or carry firearms outside their premises.
You heartless, GOP Yankees. Just ignant.
If I were her, I’d be scared of a free citizenry too.
Feel free to delete “Muslim Extremist” with “snotty elitest”
While hiking along the white cliffs of Dover this morning I noticed a Muslim extremist slip from the cliffs and fall into the English Channel . He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he had been carrying. If he didn’t get help he’d surely drown. Being a responsible Brit, and abiding by the law of the land that requires you to help those in distress, I informed Kent Police and the Home Office.
It is now 4 p.m., he has drowned, and neither authority has yet responded. I’m starting to think I wasted two stamps.