I’d Never Thought I’d Say This

But you know what? I almost totally agree with this line from Thomas Friedman

He’s not Jimmy Carter. He’s Tiger Woods — a natural who’s lost his swing.

Let’s make the logical extension of this, shall we? If Obama is Tiger, then logically that makes the United States Elin, whom he pledged to cherish, honor and protect.

How’d that turn out?

3 Responses to “I’d Never Thought I’d Say This”

  1. major dad says:

    Yeah he’s like Tiger; he’s screwing everybody.

  2. aelfheld says:

    To agree with Friedman’s assertion is to concede that, like Tiger Woods, President Duh has or had an especial competence in his chosen field.

    His record in the Illinois Senate, the United States Senate, and the Presidency demonstrate the utter falsity of that proposition.

  3. Gunslinger says:

    “His record in the Illinois Senate, the United States Senate, and the Presidency demonstrate the utter falsity of that proposition.”


    Obama isn’t a has-been but rather a “never-was”.

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