In a Secluded, Secure, Non-Disclosed Location This Morning

…we’ve got Sean Penn hacking his way through primordial jungle to deliver our heartfelt


…wishes to the infamous El Guapo Bingley.


We promised him he didn’t have to pretend to be a journalist, just deliver the celebratory hootch and requested travel documents safely.


10 Responses to “In a Secluded, Secure, Non-Disclosed Location This Morning”

  1. JeffS says:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. B!

  2. leelu says:

    ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Señor B!!

  3. aelfheld says:

    Hope it’s a good one.

  4. Gunslinger says:

    Happy B-Day, Mr. Bingley!!!

  5. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Bingley!

    And many happy returns of the day.

  6. major dad says:

    Happy Birthday Bing!

  7. gregor says:

    Happy Birthday!

  8. Cripes Suzette says:

    Why, it’s Bingley’s birthday. many happy returns – hope you get all the cookware you’ve been dreaming about!

  9. nightfly says:

    My copy of Rolling Stone was delayed; just reading now. Many happy returns, compadre!

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