Yup. That’s us.
Fun, Gorebal Warming | tree hugging sister | December 7, 2010 9:18 am
Those aren’t very good snowmen, Sis.
T-shirt weather.
Snowmen? She’s reenacting the lighting of the towers in lord of the rings. Good lord man, get your shit together!
Well, your mom needs to stick candles or maybe glow sticks on top of those “towers”, Ebola.
Unless those snow piles are covering up doggie doo. Whereupon, I don’t want to know.
We would have gladly taken 29 last week.
If it’s gonna be cold, you might as well have snow. heh.
Meh. It was 25 in Raleigh, and didn’t climb above 34.
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Those aren’t very good snowmen, Sis.
T-shirt weather.
Snowmen? She’s reenacting the lighting of the towers in lord of the rings. Good lord man, get your shit together!
Well, your mom needs to stick candles or maybe glow sticks on top of those “towers”, Ebola.
Unless those snow piles are covering up doggie doo. Whereupon, I don’t want to know.
We would have gladly taken 29 last week.
If it’s gonna be cold, you might as well have snow. heh.
Meh. It was 25 in Raleigh, and didn’t climb above 34.