Listen Carefully to the Question and Watch Kasich’s Reaction
“We just came out of an eight billion dollar HOLE…”
Oh, man. That’s FANTASTIC.
BRAVO, Governor!
H/T Flopping Aces
“We just came out of an eight billion dollar HOLE…”
Oh, man. That’s FANTASTIC.
BRAVO, Governor!
H/T Flopping Aces
People, Politics | tree hugging sister |
April 26, 2012 9:53 pm
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Typical Lib question – “How much can we spend now?”.
Great guffaw and response by Kasich.
Hope Romney handle the Libs as well.
Someone’s finally standing up to the people who got us into this mess. Kasich better watch his back.
Surplus money?! Let’s spend it! Yeah, that’s the ticket!
The question I would have asked is how much surplus cash is enough before you start giving it back to is rightful owners?